There are others here
and you, dancing
Pas de chat
Pas de cheval
Pas de poisson
I am forsaken; I am nothing.
That stage was our bedroom
Those eyes, those feet, the sweat
The floorboards, unfinished, natural
A boombox, plugged into the power point that sometimes did not work
And the trains in the morning;
In the night
There was music though we had no need for it
We could bend to the deepest position; a grand-plié then
Pas de basqueWe could bend to the deepest position; a grand-plié then
Pas de valse
Pas de deux.
But one evening after the ballet I tore the lids from my eyes. How was I to sleep? Was I to miss your delicate face for even one second?
And now there are others here
and you, dancing up there in the lightI am a beast alone with a torch
Guiding the crowds to their seats
Nobody speaks.
I am in hell.