Friday, December 10, 2010

I Never Told You This But I Was Born on the Day You Died

I see you, not with my eyes or in yours, but in words on the screen and floating by. These words that cannot be forgotten or contained in my mind tumble down the side of a mountain at even the slightest sound or movement. I am buried all the time and every day but I can feel you unearthing this rubble and tunnelling through the ice and snow. You do and will stand before me, always, not in Paris or a dress, but when it matters; your thoughts in mine.


  1. WHUSTSTE?!?!?! Say this again. Say it all again. But say it directly into my ear, holding up my hair with the back of your hand.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Shit the bitch, Rollerfink... you've done it again.

  4. No jokes or satri, this was beautiful.

  5. Barbara9:36 AM

    I love this as much as I know my mom would have. Thank you for honoring her. this is how she would want to be remembered.

  6. Thanks Barbara, that means a lot.


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